HZS35 Concrete Batching Plant in Tanzania

Good news, a set of HZS35 concrete mixing plant was sold to Tanzania in July 2020!

Brief description

The customer contacted us through the official website and said that he wanted to buy a set of 35 concrete batching plant because of the project needs. The customer first sent us a picture of the concrete mixing plant, and we provided the customer with a quotation according to the standard configuration. When discussing specific requirements later, it was learned that the customer uses bagged cement. After three times of communications,I explained to the customer that bagged cement did not need to be matched with cement silos, and calculated the budget difference between matching cement silos and not. The customer recognized our responsibility and finally reached a successful cooperation.

Mixer ModelJS750
Mixer Power30Kw
Discharge Height2000mm
Discharge Volume750L
Charging Volume1200L
Mixing Cycle60S
Concrete Batching MachinePLD1200
No. of Storage Hopper3
Weighing Hopper Volume1200L
Control SystemFully automatic
Total Weight16t

Advantages of hopper type concrete batching plant

1.Small footprint, simple structure,fast installation,space saving, high degree of automation.

2.With brake and anti-bearing lock design, lifting motor achieves safe running and low failure rate.